Great Online Research Starts Here

Connect is CloudResearch's own crowdsourcing platform for online research. It draws on all of our knowledge and experience with hundreds of different online platforms and creates the best research experience in the industry.


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Connect Makes Online Research Better

Connect is the first online platform that allows participants to rate the projects they participate in and the researchers who post the projects. This two-way reputation system—researchers rating participants and participants ratings researchers—creates an environment that rewards good behavior from everyone, improving the quality of research.

The Best Data Quality, Period

When people sign up on Connect, we vet them with the most sophisticated and up-to-date data quality measures anywhere online. We continue monitoring quality once people are on our site, giving us control over the quality of participants and the ability to intervene when problems arise. The result is trustworthy data.


Powered by Sentry®

Sentry is the only tool that uses advanced behavioral assessment alongside technological solutions to identify and remove low-quality participants before they can enter a survey.

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Data Tracker

Feel Confident in Your Data Quality

We understand the threats to data quality better than anyone and that’s why we’ve crafted effective solutions to fight fraud and inattention. Our latest tracker studies show how well our data quality measures up, so you know your data comes from real, thoughtful people–no ifs, ands, or bots.

Get started


How to Earn Easy Money Online

As a participant, you can earn extra cash online for sharing your opinions and participating in surveys and online jobs that further our understanding of people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior! Start making money in minutes.

Sign Up

Sign Up

Signing up only takes a few minutes and only requires an email address. Surveys are fun and you get to choose which ones to participate in!

Take Projects

Take Projects

Contributing to Connect helps researchers make meaningful advancements in human knowledge and design better products.

Earn Cash!

Earn Cash!

Connect offers a variety of high-paying microtasks. We offer various options to cashout and payment is quick, easy, and reliable!

Client Testimonials

Our users love Connect and just how easy it is to get their projects up and running smoothly!

Carnegie Mellon

" The Connect platform has been a game changer for me! My research collaborations span multiple universities and the Teams feature allows us all to stay informed about our data collection. I am able to fund my account with my research funds but allow collaborators to administer funds for our projects. This saves us all quite a bit of work in terms of cross-university reimbursements. I highly recommend it! "

Jeff Galak

Associate Professor of Marketing Carnegie Mellon University
University of Wyoming

" As far as my dissertation, the pre-tests surrounding my legitimacy manipulation worked wonderfully. I’m investigating the impact of perceptions of illegitimacy on individuals’ reactions to being put into positions of low power. I was really impressed with Connect’s UI and participant bounce-back tracking, which was an issue with my previous attempt over the summer on MTurk. "

Emilio Rivera

Graduate Student University of Wyoming
columbia university

" I’ve been collecting data for nearly a decade and I'll never go back to any other online panel. My team and I love Connect's user-friendly interface, ability to target specific samples, and perhaps most importantly, the consistency through which it has given us the highest quality data. The participant’s have given us invaluable feedback, which led to improved study designs and higher retention rates in our longitudinal studies. Using Connect is a no brainer and receives my highest possible recommendation. "

Nick Rosemarino

Social-Organizational PhS Candidate Columbia University

Let’s Discover Something New, Together

Sign up now and join the thousands of researchers and participants collaborating on Connect!